I would like to thank here all the people
who have supported my work from near or far still
the beginning on this journey in NFTs, Cryptoart and WEB3.
Collectors, curators, collaborators, artist friends, or non-artists,
and art lovers of all stripes.

Special mention…
I would like to thank from the bottom of his heart his multi-chain collectors, large and small, without whom nothing would be possible:
Max Osiris, Jaen, Coldie, Mr Taztaz, John Villat, Matau, Datura, Lena Ekert, Risotto, Slivereign, El Castor, Funbot, CORPega, WGmeet, GiSELX, NelsonX, Joncates, SWEETAbidding, Trillobyte, CLINT Fulkerson, Ellli, Twigwam, Hervé Delhumeau, Trappist Omega, Anon collector, AnonNFTvault, Mickey Woodbridge, Artbot, Act4History, FC1EEB, Reinhart Schmidt, CONVICTION-e49f8a23d2, 000F59, Flintpope, Tonystreetz, Ernesto Asch, AL_CREGO Soapbox1965, Jean Saucisse, Howdy doo, Phoenix, Lukas TRIP, Phosphor OPERATOR, Neptiris, Art2act, Jonah Cordy, ExplosivePanda, Xponential, JAMES Bloom, JJJJOHN Karell, Vulon, HELIO Santos, DerNADLER, whitters, alvls, MAZIN, SantiaGO, Elbi, rusticDigitalart, Tormential, Fred Rivoire, Lowkeyrogue, Empress TRASH...
Also a big shoutout for showing their interest on ZeroOne: Benoit C, Colborn, Wundermundo, Flexasaurus, Jrdsctt, Yankelvision, IlanKatin, Klauzzz, Makeitrad, Erreyriz, Nedzo, and a few anons…
Thank you for your love, and for being here. F.
Buy/sell an artwork
As we know, this community is strong in its distribution of wealth,
and in stimulating the flow of information.
An already excellent offer is offered by a host of top-flight talents
who contribute to the high quality of all the styles executed.
And this is normal for an artist to want to arouse interest
by offering something rare and unique. His artwork as value.
Maybe the artwork of your dreams is not yet minted, or even created!
Patience, it will happen!
314 collectors /premium access
I would be really happy to welcome you as such,
the precursors, diggers of treasure, relentless of the core,
passionate architects of a world where technologymust above all create apoetry.
This ultimate revolution, means of exchange of the economic dream:
The Abolition of Illusions, The Mondoverse, or Terraversae.
‘Club 314’:
In the idea of a special fate reserved for collectors certified VIP
by their unconditional support and to be always rewarded
for having known how to see and for having wanted to believe.
For an artist, choosing his collectors in person would be the dream.
We would be delighted to count you among our prestigious members of collectors.
Let’s keep in touch by using the google form.